Can I convert MSWord into Libre documents

I am, hopefully, a former user of MSWord, and have hundreds of documents that I would like to change over to Libre. Is this possible and if so,how do I do it? Thanks,
Norman W Wilson, PhD


  • For one document, simply open it then FileSave As and select the LibreOffice format.
  • For a batch conversion: FileWizardsDocument Converter

LibreOffice reads and writes Microsoft formats. It is therefore possible to continue to work with these formats. But of course, this requires a conversion with the inevitable differences. It is therefore advisable, as you said, to convert the documents in LibreOffice format knowing that it is always possible, when necessary, to create a copy in Microsoft format.


Thank you for the quick answer to my question. it is appreciated.

I did as you suggested but when I “saved as” I was not given the option to select LibreOffice.

In “Save As” choose “ODF Text Document (.odt)”. That is the extension that LibreOffice uses.

At the bottom of the SAVE PANEL, you will find an ALL FORMATS button. Select it and choose ODF Text Document (.odt). This will save the file as a .odt. ODF is an International standard format used by a number of writer systems and is not unique to LibreOffice…Peter