Numbering automatically changes tab stop

I am creating a question paper for my students. So I am using the two column mode.
I am using numbering and bullets to write questions as numbered list which automatically
increases number.



so on. To create 4 options I am using a table. (I know very painful and probably not a
very efficient way. but I could only come up with this.) My problem is that for some
reason, suddenly the questions starts to have big tab after them. See question 9 and 10.

The details of the numbering and bullets section is shown in the picture below.

Is there any way to correct this?

Okay I have realized the problem is due to the fact that I was using tab. with space there is no problem.

The problem commes from the fact your number “crosses” a “width border”: 9 uses only one digit, while 10 2 digits. The width of the question number is therefore wider and exceeds the allowed tab width.

To correct the problem, set your tab stop for the widest question number; all others will be aligned without overflow.

For the benefit of all, tick this answer if it gives a satisfactory solution.