Does LibreOffice support Excel password-protected files when they are read-only?

Is it possible to get a password prompt when opening a password protected Excel file (read-only)?

Yes, LibreOffice supports all xls protections (Sheet, Workbook, Password to Open, Password to Modify)

I tested this in LO version under Windows XP Pro x86 SP3

Pedro, thanks for pointing out the exact version you used. It’d be extra helpful if you used the latest stable release when testing answers here, unless a feature only exists on a pre-release - most users won’t be using a pre-release.

Windows 7 and Calc seems to be unable to deal with read-only files. I need to have the writable file available on the Windows 7/Calc machine and have XP/Excel 2000 users be able to read-only the same file. Not working! Have tested a number of times, even my tech support consultant tried to fix this. Not working yet. Anyone know the secret here? Thanks for your help.