Installation instructions state they are not for newbiesplea

I just bought a computer with peppermint installed because I am new to this, but determined to get away fro windows. Please help, the installation instructions are so much more difficult than I imagined they would be. The installation instructions linked from the libre office site state explicitly that they are not for people who have never done this before. I tried to follow them anyway, but need something a little bit easier to follow. Where are the instructions for newbies? I have searched youtube and the web and cannot find something that helps. I donated and downloaded and now am finding it impossible to install. Please, can anyone direct me to instructions that a newbie can follow?

The basic install could be from a terminal in Peppermint (not sure if Ctrl + Alt + T opens one)

sudo apt-get install libreoffice

and type your password when asked for,

If you want to have local language support you may install them with

sudo apt-get install libreoffice-l10n-xx myspell-xx mythes-xx libreoffice-help-xx hyphen-xx

substituting xx with your locale code (i.e. gb for UK, es for spanish, tk for turkish and so on)

As an alternative you could download it from LO site and then manually install it but it’s more complicated and maybe less tailored to Peppermint.

Best of luck.

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