Inserting a section between two contiguous sections

I have a text document consisting mostly of sections. I want to insert a section between two other sections, but there is no space in between them. Do I have to just scrap the document and start over? I can’t find anyway to insert this.

If I have understood your question, and after a little test, inserting at the beginning of the section before to which you want to insert, it works for me.

This works if you insert before the start of the section. The problem is that there is no "before the start of the section. The character before the start of the section is in the previous section.

I found that hitting ctrl-Enter in the previous section allows me to create the new section at the end of the previous section (but inside the section). This is a really klugey answer and I don’t know if it has unacceptable visual consequences. Still looking for a real answer.


As @mariosv said it’s ok on my platform (windows 7/64 & LibO 5) with InsertSection even if the character before the start of the section is in the previous section. Of course position the cursor at the end (or beginning) of the section after (before) which is to be inserted.

If this does not work for you the solution is to first insert a paragraph before (or after as needed): the shortcut is Alt+Enter and it works as well at the end of section at the beginning (see).
