Libreoffice Base - Save Records in Forms SubForms SubSubForms

Is there a way of saving data records in a Form/SubForm/SubSubForm with a single click (except the obvious “Save” Button)? I know how to add a button action to save a record on a Form. However in some cases after entering data into a Form/SubForm there should be possibility of saving data with having to save data for each form separately.

Each form, subform etc is connected to it’s own data access - usually a table. Tables are independent of each other so adding records in one table doesn’t trigger an add in another. Even using macros and other means, each table is independent and records added one at a time. Based upon your question, you can create a macro to save all three tables with one button but code will be necessary for each table involved.

k thanks for the reply. For the sake of completeness and for the benefit of others as well can you help with a macro to do this. Alternatively can you provide a link?

Since each circumstance is different, there is no one maco to cover all. It is totally dependent upon what is trying to be accomplished. Personally, I don’t see any use for this. There are too many variables to account for. All my discoveries have come through meticulous examination using Xray and Mri.

I agree. Its easier to hit Ctrl-S…

After editing a row in a subform, just click into a field on the main form or on a different subform. LibreOffice will save the new/edited data.