Can I add custom grid lines?

I have a chart showing my households average daily electricity usage for each electricity bill (roughly monthly). The vertical axis is KWH/day and the horizontal is date. In order to make it easier to compare usage year to year I would like to add vertical grid lines separating each year.

When I select the horizontal axis and insert a “Major Grid” or “Minor Grid” it just puts lines between every month (i.e. every data point). This is not helpful. Is there any way to get it to put vertical lines only every 12 data points or even better exactly at the year separation?

@ horst Sorry I can’t comment on your post. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, however, no matter what chart type I select (bar is preferred) the major and minor intervals always get reset to automatic.

I am not sure if I understand your question correct. I followed the hint of @horst and could create the following chart with major grid lined very bold every year and minor grid lines every 6 month.

I did first work on the x-axis format and set the major and minor interval
Next I made major and minor grids visible
Nest I formated the major grid

As far as I can see Calc offers more possibilities than Excel.

Here is a screen shot of the chart I created:

image description

It should be possible with every chart type as it is a feature of the x-axis

i am runing LibO Version (Build ID: 5b93205) on XP

If you have x-y-scatter chart and the major grid lines displayed, then goto Format → Axis → X-Axis and in the tab scale you can set the interval between the major grid lines.

Line Chart: Do the same plus you havr to select “date” in the drop down box of the scale-tab (by default it is set to automatic). Now you can set your major interval as day, month, year … to change the default values first uncheck the automatic setting.

! Drawback: the label is only displayed at the major grid.

Do not work with other chart types, so don’t know but guess it might be similar.

Hi @zorkerz,

Still having issues? Please try installing the latest release and see how that works for you!