Writer form to Base conversion

Because Base won’t work in Mac OSX until Java is updated, I started making a form using Writer. I eventually switched from OSX and have nearly finished the form in Ubuntu with a hundred plus named fields and correct tabs. odt file here

I imagine this form as a pdf document that users will fill out and auto save with the date and the room number that was inspected. Another version would capture the data and send it to an external database.

Of course, Base works in the Linux version of LibreOffice 5.2. Should I convert this to a Base-based form at this point to get these future features? …and is there a simple way to do this without typing everything out again?

I have a similar requirement. Essentially I want to import an ODT file back into BASE - see this link.


It is possible with a macro. Just adapt the forms names & url (inside/outside the odb) in the main procedure in ImporterForm.odbattached.

The mainAndrew procedure shows how to proceed from creation to import.

I can not find specific references but the source of this code must be Andrew Pitonyak. Sorry for my imprecision on this point…
