Correct syntax for evaluating date or time in SQL

Build ID: 420m0(Build:2) on Linux

Using the embedded SQL engine
I have a table in Base, with several columns, one is defined as Time and has data in the format hh:mm:ss. I’m trying to write a query that will add a calculated column with the values 1, 2, 3, or 4, depending on the time in the time-defined column (say 1 am to 5 am, 5 to noon, noon to 6 pm 6 to 1 am). For now, I’m just testing a single case, and here’s the syntax I’m using:

SELECT “key”, “day”, “TOD”, “value” , CASEWHEN (“TOD” Between “01:00:00” and “05:00:00”, 1, 0) FROM “tblMeterReading”

Here’s the error I’m getting:

SQL Status: HY000
Error code: 1000

syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting BETWEEN or IN or SQL_TOKEN_LIKE

I’m pretty sure this has to do with how I enter the time values, but I’ve tried single quotes, hash, no quotes, double quotes, and the error is the same.

What am I missing? Sounds like it should be simple enough… Thanks in advance!

I’ve just tried the following:

SELECT “key”, “day”, “TOD”, “value” , CASEWHEN (“TOD” BETWEEN Time(“01:00:00”) AND Time(“05:00:00”), “1”, “0”) AS “Order” FROM “tblMeterReading”

Same error.

I know I’m stuck on something really basic, and I can’t figure it out. Your help is appreciated.

CASEWHEN ("TOD" Between '01:00:00' and '05:00:00', 1, 0)

When using dates make sure the format is 'YYYY-MM-DD' or `MYDATE = ‘2016-05-04’

Sorry - you probably need to enter this in SQL view & turn on Run SQL command directly on toolbar button (on/off toggle)


Okay, thanks, but I’m trying to evaluate the time, not the date. The column data type is time. Any ideas on this? Thanks in advance.

Yes, I’m entering this in SQL View, and I toggled “Run SQl command directly” as you suggested, but still the same error. Doesn’t that command apply when I try to pass the query through to a server? I’m not using a server, I’m using the embedded HSQL engine…

Look at the very first line - this is your CASEWHEN statement with the time! Just didn’t post the entire SQL statement. All it is - replace quotes as shown. Added the date because it was in your question.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Working fine now. Thanks again!

Correct Syntax for test case:

SELECT “key”, “day”, “TOD”, “value” ,
CASEWHEN (“TOD” Between ‘01:00:00’ and ‘05:00:00’, 1, 0)
FROM “tblMeterReading”

Correct syntax for the functionality I was looking for:

SELECT “key”, “day”, “TOD”, “value” ,
CASEWHEN (“TOD” Between ‘00:00:00’ and ‘04:59:59’, 4,
CASEWHEN (“TOD” Between ‘05:00:00’ and ‘10:59:59’, 1,
CASEWHEN (“TOD” Between ‘11:00:00’ and ‘17:59:59’, 2,
CASEWHEN(“TOD” Between ‘18:00:00’ and ‘23:59:59’, 3,0
) AS “TODNum” FROM “tblMeterReading”