Old .ppt not opening in Libre

I have an old .ppt file (most probably 95 office version) . When I try to open it in the Libre (I have never ever used Libre before and have just bought a version from ebay!), it shows an error message. I am following below steps:

Open the dashboard
Click on the Open File and choose ppt from my computer
Now, I get the error message saying- Version incompatible, Incorrect File Version (SCREENSHOT- http://prntscr.com/bfs8x9)

Can you guide me how you opened it? Also, if I can get some kind of manual or guide in how to work on it, it may help me in long run also. The ebay seller from whom I bought this version, was able to open the file and confirm no. of slides in it correctly. After making his sale, he seems not interested in guiding me how he did it.

You have been conned. LO is a FREE open source program.

See here