When I save odp file as pptx LibreOffice freeze

When I try save as odp to pptx Libreoffice freeze.
Libreoffice version:
Libreoffice option: Memory 1024 Mb
Memory/object: 100 Mb
Java ON: 8, open JDK - 64AMD
My PC: Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS, RAM 16 GB, 120 GB SSD

I second that issue… I experience it too… Like, I have initiated save request about 15 minutes ago and it is still frozen!!

Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS, RAM 4 GB, 500 GB SATA HDD.
Stats from `top’:
VIRT: 1441.3M
RES: 183.9M
SHR: 113.5M
%CPU: 100
%MEM: 5.0
Time+: 27:00 (by now, still frozen)

I also have this issue: 16.04 LTS, RAM 32GB, 500GB SSD.
top stats: %CPU 100.0, %MEM 2.8, been stuck like this for 15 minutes so far…

Same issue with Ubuntu and Libreoffice 5.2 and 5.3. Sometimes it even creates correct pptx file but Libreoffice still hangs. Depends on file size, I have always issues with odp files over 50MB. Works a bit better when I do minimize before Save as pptx but its not perfect even then.