No font color change option in Impress

I cannot find any button to change font color (I have only been able to change font color for the entire presentation).
I have tried View-> Toolbars → Text , but the toolbar that comes up does not show the button either.

Version: , Ubuntu 16.04

Font colour is character formatting. You can find controls under Format > Character > Font Effects > Font Colour or on the Character formatting section on the sidebar or on the Text Formatting toolbar.

Follow the answer by MikeBibo but the reason I still overlooked it I was expecting to see a palette icon but what you have to look for is in the very top left corner of the pop-up a not very prominent ‘Font Color’ above a box containing ‘Automatic’, click on ‘Automatic’ and you will finally see a color palette

There is an easier version for this (at least in LibreOffice, just open the toolbar on the right side of the screen, click on the uppermost icon (Properties), and then click on the slide and select the text you want to change. Then the context menu also changes and you can set the font color there as well (see the image - sorry for the Hungarian langauge, the icons are the same).

Sorry, this did not work for me. All I am seeing is black text no matter what I have tried.