What happens when I close a macro security warning

I recently opened a document that likely contained a virus. It was a MS Word-Document and when I opened it with LibreOffice, a security warning popped up informing me that the document had macros and asked me whether I wanted to open the document with the macros or not. Then I panicked a bit and closed the warning without clicking yes or no, and then immediately after that closed LibreOffice entirely.

My question now is: Does LibreOffice open the document with Macros enabled when I x-out the security warning, or does it need positive permission (= me clicking “yes, display the document with macros”) to do that? Do you think there’s a chance my computer might be infected? (also, I’m running LibreOffice on Ubuntu, if that makes a difference.)

Thank you for your help!
Best, t.

When you x’ed the dialog macros were NOT enabled. For them to be enabled you must click the Enable Macros button. I don’t see where you should have a ‘virus’ especially running Linux. Macros are fairly common and acceptable if the source is trusted.