Color of hyperlinks after Writer

The default color of hyperlinks in LibreOffice Writer are blue. If I save document in “odt”, “doc” or “docx” and then open it with Writer the color of hyperlinks are blue too. If I save document in “odt” and then open it with other text processor (Microsoft Word, for example) the color of hyperlinks are blue. But if I save document in “doc” or “docx” with LibreOffice Writer and then open it with other text processor (Microsoft Word, Kingsoft Office Writer, Softmaker FreeOffice TextMaker) the color of hyperlinks are the same as other text (usually black or grey). Hyperlinks are not blue! Is it a bug? Can I fix it?

Hi, Try: highlighting and changing color or if you just want to locate easily and you have not used Bold or Italic use one of those. If it need be exact delete and redo. I know each of these is yet another step still they are options. Best! az