Create button for simple addition


I need to create a simple button which increases the number by 1 in a specific cell each time I press it.

I’ve managed to create the button and I know that I must attach a macro to it. I know how to create a macro and attach it to the button. What I don’t know is what should I write inside that macro.

Could someone please show me exactly how this macro should look? In such way that I can simply copy and paste it. The cell for which I want its value increased by 1 is cell F10.

Thank you.

Code is realy very simple:

Sub onBtnClock(oEvent As Variant)
Dim sCellAddress As String 
Dim oSheet As Variant
Dim oCell As Variant
	sCellAddress = Trim(oEvent.Source.Model.Tag)	' Get tagret cell '
REM address from additional information of button (see picture)
REM Get selected sheet (where located buttton wich is pressed)
	oSheet = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection().getSpreadsheet()
REM Get cell by address (address may be wrong!)
	On Error Resume Next
	oCell = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(sCellAddress)
REM Is address was valid?
	If Not IsNull(oCell) And Not IsEmpty(oCell) Then
REM Get old value, increase it and set result to cell
		oCell.setValue(oCell.getValue() + 1.0)
End Sub

Of course you can write address of cell directly to parameter of metod .getCellRangeByName().
But will be better if you write it to additional information of button

Perfect, thank you very very much!

Interesting that “Additional information” can be accessed from the macro as oEvent.Source.Model.Tag. I have used similar method in Excel but was not aware that LO had similar feature due to the naming “Additional information” instead of “Tag”.

Hi @Alexandru

No need for a macro with a Spin button. This type of button also decrement what you do may not want?


@PYS It seems to me becouse the spin button is too small. In a very large button is much easier to hit the mouse. And the spin button can not only increase but also decrease the value. Imagine the counter form of two dozen buttons. For some events human operator presses a certain button, fixed time, increases the value of a parameter, some process is changed. Spin button is ill-suited to such a form.

Hi @JohnSUN

I share of course your point of view but I wondered if Alexanru knew this control which in some cases, fits the bill.
