Insert command when run this in SQL then error- too many identifier parts

i am using Two table “Issue” and “Total”

"Issue" - SlNo, ProductName, Quantity, Stock, Balance

"Total"- SlNo, ProductName, Balance

INSERT INTO “Issue” (“Issue”.“Stock”) values (SELECT “Total”.“Balance” FROM

“Total”,“Issue” where “Issue”.“Stock” is null and


when run this in SQL then error- too many identifier parts: Issue

I tried many ways but cant insert from “Total” to “Issue” Table

I don’t believe you want an INSERT statement but rather an UPDATE statement.

UPDATE "Issue" SET "Issue"."Stock" = (SELECT "Total"."Balance" FROM "Total" WHERE "Issue"."ProductName"="Total"."ProductName")  WHERE "Issue"."Stock" IS NULL

Thanks for correcting my approach and its satisfy my needs.