Editing Hyperlinks in Calc

I use my PC as a media centre. I have many films and TV programmes (2000+) on 3 large disks. I use Calc to list the files and a hyperlink to play the video file.

If I wish to move files about, I have to recreate the hyperlink.

Is there any way to do this in bulk or do I have to do them one at a time?


With hyperlinks in Col A (e.g.) A2:A10,

  • enter in (e.g.) Col B: =A2
  • copy down the formula
  • select B2:B10 then DataCalculateFormula to Value (may be in Tools menu for older versions)

Now you have a col with hyperlinks as text, so you can use Find & Replace to update the links.
You also can then use Find & Replace to convert these texts to hyperlinks:

Select B2:B10 then Find & Replace:

  • Find: .*
  • Replace: =HYPERLINK("&")
  • Other options: tick Current selection only and Regular expressions
  • Replace All


That works perfectly - Thank You Very Much!

Did you look for something similar to what is demonstrated here?
(To get it work you must input folders and files actually existing on your system, of course.)

You may hide columns B through D as long as you don’t need to edit the contents.