LibreCalc can't change text to number. Any roundabout?

I have a CSV file that contains data in columns. In order to make a chart, program only accepts NUMBER format not TEXT. I mean, it is written like -0.11618, but it is TEXT. I understood this by typing =VALUE( ) formula. in an empty cell. It gives me Err:502
I want to draw chart but because of this I can not. Even I cannot do any calculation with these number. It is terribly annoying.

NOTE: CT2N Add-On does not work.

You should post (Use the code tool!) at least a few lines of your CSV containing some of the numbers not converted as expected/needed.
What locale is set for your LibO? Is this changed for cell ranges?

Also give detailed information concerning

  • in what way you imported / opened the csv.
  • what settings you made in the import dialogue:
    – Separators (predefined, additional)
    – Text delimiter
    – Column Types (‘Standard’ or different?)

Otherwise we have to stab in the dark.

Seems you’re working in a locale that has a different decimal separator. During the CSV import make sure that the import locale matches the separators used in numbers in the CSV file, for example in -0.11618 the decimal separator is . dot, so either choose the English (US) locale in the dialog, or select individual columns in the dialog preview and set them to English-US.

In importing setting I changed them as you said: Standart > English_US. It worked. Thank you. Vielen dank.