In LibreOffice Writer, can I block, copy and paste text while keeping source formatting?

In Microsoft Word (e.g. version 2003 forward), e.g. a drop-down menu appears with pasted text, allowing choice e.g. of keeping source vs. destination formatting, an extremely valuable tool that allows preserving formatting with minimal effort.

I looked hard but don’t find a way to enable such a feature in LibreOffice.

There is no such feature in LibreOffice. What is the use of it anyway? Simply paste the text pressing Ctrl + V to retain its formatting or press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + V to paste as unformatted text.

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In Writer,
Here’s how to hi-lite, copy, and paste a block:
To hi-lite a block, position cursor, then press Ctrl-shift-F8 together to initiate marking the block.
Using left mouse button, drag to ending corner for block, to hi-lite the block.
Press Ctrl-C to copy the hi-lit block to memory.
Finally, position cursor to mark upper left corner of block for insertion,
and then pres Ctr-V to paste the block there.
The block feature and the copied block remain in memory until replaced or erased.

How to move a block:
Hi-lite the block to move, as above
To cut out a hi-lit block, position the cursor within the hi-lite,
press the right mouse button and select cut from the menu,
to disappear the block from the screen and store it in memory.
Position cursor to new input point, then paste by Ctrl-V.
or press the right mouse button and select paste from the menu,
Alternatively, experiment with Ctrl-X to cut and Ctrl-V to paste, and Enter to normalize.

How to empty a block:
Hi-lite the block to empty.
Empty the hi-lit block by pressing Del,or by right mouse button menu.

In Calc,
How to hi-lite, copy, and paste a block of cells:
Position cursor in a cell; Hi-lite a block of cells, by pressing left mouse button and dragging mouse
to form a hi-lit block;
Press right mouse button to activate menu, then select Copy; dashes surround the hi-lit block.
Move cursor to new cell, copy block by pressing enter or by selecting paste from right mouse button menu;
hi-lit block is automatically unlit.
Alternatively, experiment with Ctr-C and Ctrl-V then hit Enter to do the same.

How to move a block:
Procedure is basically the same as for Writer, as the right mouse button menus are similar.

How to empty a block:
Hi-lite the block to empty.
Empty a hi-lit block by pressing Del,or by right mouse button menu.