ODS file converted into OSC file without permission and loss of data

So I had a lot of data points. I had a preliminary graph. I had things that I intended to do with the data. So I saved it. It is now in an .OSC file format. I did not tell it to do that.

Well I need the data still.

I go to the data table option and see that i can copy paste single cells. This is not an option as there are too many cells.

Okay, that sucks I’ll try importing it into a ODS file. It imports a blank chart.

This isn’t so sunny, but I can try changing the file type. No success. It either opens in the chart thing or doesn’t open.

Hmmm this is steadily becoming more not good. I can try extracting it with 7zip. That works but it has an xml file that has all the data. So far I have been unsuccessful in opening it in a way where I can get it all out with out going point to point and manually copying it.

Are there any options that I did not think about or did I do any of these methods improperly?

Sorry, but are you able to save a new ods as osc without any intervention?

So apparently macs (Office computer I generally use not macs) generic notepad can open this as an XML table but not wordpad or Libre stuff. Okay.

Copied out of the mac-pad thing into MS word and it recognized it as a table thankfully. It is now being worked on in excel to avoid random arbitrary bullshit that Libre pulls.