How do I make a table in Writer split across two pages?

In the past, I’ve had no trouble with tables larger than one page flow over two pages, but now I’m having trouble. Specifically, If a table exactly fills a page, it won’t appear directly under the label; the label appears at the top of one page, and the table appears on the next page. I’ve checked the table Properties, and the “splitable” check box is checked. I didn’t have this problem before, but I’ve got it now. I haven’t made any drastic changes to my system (unless you consider adding Google Drive a drastic change). What should I do?

Would you mind to tell your LibO version,
whether the file containing the table was already saved
if so, in what file “format”?
To also name your OS/version would not be excessive.
I cannot verify the problem with LibO 5.2.2 Writer.

While the cursor is in the table, choose menu Table - Properties… (the same that right-click in the table and select Table Properties…) - Text Flow tab, uncheck Break, and check Allow table to split across pages and columns.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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