How to set tab stop using spaces?

I want to make a tab 8 spaces.

It might help to provide you the best answer possible if you could explain why you want to make a tab stop with 8 spaces.

silly reason actually. i got tired of the auto number/indenting/bullet point not doing exactly what i wanted so i resorted to good ol tab for proper alignment, but i realize now this isn’t possible. they had this feature in openoffice iirc so i figured libreoffice would have it to, but guess not.

The answer is no because LibreOffice Writer is not a plain text editor. A tab 8 spaces make sense only with non proportional fonts.

But you can set the distance between tab stops in:

Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice Writer/General - Settings - Tab stops.

Thank you so much for your answer ! That was the problem for my document. I subscribed specially to thank you for taking the time to give such useful information

I made a little test to show you the problem. 10 blanks, Font size 12Pt.

Times new Roman → 0.4 inch;

Arial → 0.5 Inch;

Courier New, Lucida Consol → 1.0 inch (non proportinal fonts)