Copy Spreadsheet Macro

Hello I have had code to copy an existing spreadsheet into a brand new one for years and all of a sudden it stopped working. I can’t seem to find anything on the web that states what change might of happened. I am hoping someone here would be able to shed some light on it.

Here is the code that I have for copying a spreadsheet.

Sub copyCurrentSheet

mFile =  Month(Date)

Select Case mFile

	Case 1
	fileDate1 = "Jan "
	Case 2
	fileDate1 = "Feb "
	Case 3
	fileDate1 = "Mar "
	Case 4
	fileDate1 = "Apr "
	Case 5
	fileDate1 = "May "
	Case 6
	fileDate1 = "Jun "
	Case 7
	fileDate1 = "Jul "
	Case 8
	fileDate1 = "Aug "
	Case 9
	fileDate1 = "Sep "
	Case 10
	fileDate1 = "Oct "
	Case 11
	fileDate1 = "Nov "
	Case 12
	fileDate1 = "Dec "

End Select

fileDate2 = fileDate1 & Day(Date) & ","  & Year(Date)
fileDate1 = fileDate2

doc1 = ThisComponent
oSheets = doc1.getSheets() 

y = "1"   
fileNameExists = "yyyyy"

Do While fileNameExists <> "xxxxx"

	If oSheets.hasByName(fileDate1) Then
		y = y + 1 
		fileDate1 = fileDate2 & " " & y
		fileNameExists = "xxxxx"

	End If


doc1 = ThisComponent
oSheet1 = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet

oSheet2 = oSheet1
currentSheet = oSheet1.getName()

selectSheetByName(doc1, currentSheet)
doc1.getSheets().insertNewByName(fileDate1, 0)
selectSheetByName(doc1, fileDate1)

oSheet1 = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
printerOption(0).Name = "PaperOrientation"
printerOption(0).Value =
thisComponent.Printer = printerOption()

oSheet1.setPrintareas (oSheet2.getPrintareas())

doc1 = ThisComponent
oController = doc1.getCurrentController   ' freezes active sheet


oCell = oSheet1.getCellRangeByName("C4") 


End Sub

(Edited for better readability by @Lupp)

How did you call the Sub?
What did happen telling you that the Sub had stopped working?

Unsolicited advice: Do not split yearly data collections into sheets/documents per month. This is Paper-Do, not how spreadsheets should be used. Many questions discussed on different forums show (IMO) that the splitting is a persistent source of trouble. So does my own experience.

Where spreadsheets are too inefficient to keep an undivided collection of all the data, use a database.

I call the sub by pushing a button that I created on the sheet. I wrote this basic years ago and oddly it just recently stopped working. By stopped working when I do my copy sheet sub it would do all of the motions of creating the new sheet with the file name and what not but it didn’t bring over any of the existing data. I am not sure what you mean by splitting yearly data collections into sheets. The spreadsheet just contains my bills that I pay every two weeks.

Edit: Suspect the use of dispatchURL but that might have been a sub that you did not post.

Updated version below, also tried to simplify the code a little. Hopefully it works as intended.

Option Explicit

Sub copyCurrentSheet

	Dim oController As Variant
	Dim oDocument As Variant
	Dim oDispatcher As Variant
	Dim doc1 As Variant
	Dim fileDate1 As String
	Dim fileDate2 As String
	Dim oSheet1 As Variant
	Dim oSheet2 As Variant
	Dim oSheets As Variant
	Dim oCell As Variant
	Dim y As Integer
	Dim fileNameExists As Boolean
	Dim printerOption(0) AS NEW

	fileDate2 = format(Date, "MMM D, YYYY")
	fileDate1 = fileDate2

	doc1 = ThisComponent 
	oSheet2 = doc1.CurrentController.ActiveSheet

	oSheets = doc1.getSheets()

	y = 0
	fileNameExists = True

	Do While fileNameExists
	    If oSheets.hasByName(fileDate1) Then
	        y = y + 1 
	        fileDate1 = fileDate2 & " " & y
	        fileNameExists = False
	    End If

	oController = doc1.getCurrentController
	oDocument   = oController.Frame
	oDispatcher = createUnoService("")

	oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oDocument, ".uno:SelectAll", "", 0, array())
	oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oDocument, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, array())

	doc1.getSheets().insertNewByName(fileDate1, 0) 

	oSheet1 = doc1.getSheets().getByIndex(0)

	oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oDocument, ".uno:Paste", "", 0, array())

	printerOption(0).Name = "PaperOrientation" 
	printerOption(0).Value = 
	doc1.Printer = printerOption()
	oSheet1.Printareas = oSheet2.Printareas
	' freezes active sheet '
	oCell = oSheet1.getCellRangeByName("F1") 
	oCell.Value = DateValue(Now)
	oCell.NumberFormat = 75"C4"))
End Sub

Thank you so much for this. I have no idea what happened that broke what I had before but this code works perfectly and looks like it is quicker then what I had before too.