FillDown using macros?

I have the following range-object (a row with a bunch of columns):

dim o as object
o = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("DATA").getCellRangeByPosition(0,1767,40,1767)

How do I now FillDown the contents of this row (for 10 rows)?

In VBA the range seems to have a FillDown Method, so I tried it like this:

dim o as object
o = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("DATA").getCellRangeByPosition(0,1767,40,1778)

but FillDown does not exist. So how to do this?

try with:

o.fillAuto( 0, 1 )
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See also:
Concerning the parameters controlling FillDirection and FillMode (this one only used by FillSeries method) there are predefined constants.