Setting calc print page width

I 'm pretty new to libre office although used openoffice in the past from time to time.

In excel i can specify that I want to print one page wide. That is no matter how many columns i have, it will shrink to a one page width. It allows a similar vertical setting, but that is separately set and I can just let excel print as many vertically as long as it remains a single page width.

I found the scaling setting in Libre Calc that similar but it seems to hook the two setting together. I tried 1 wide and deleting the vertical, but calc resets it back to 1. How do I specify to print 1 page wide but use as many pages deep as needed?

I think with a large enough value for Heigh works as you expect.
Also there is an option to not print blank pages:
Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice calc/Print - Supress output of empty pages.

@mariosv is right.

Scaling modeFit print range(s) to width/height sets the maximum number of pages that should not be exceeded. It does not indicate the number of pages to use. Short video shows how to proceed (french)

Note: these values are limited to 1000. In your case you can therefore set height to 1000
