Where do I find documentation for LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs: Depot, Euro, FormWizard, Gimmicks, ImportWizard, Tools, and WikiEditor?

Access2Base is documented at LibreOffice extension & Access2Base.org.

But where do I find documentation for these other libraries:

  • Depot,
  • Euro,
  • FormWizard,
  • Gimmicks,
  • ImportWizard,
  • Tools, and
  • WikiEditor?

I don’t believe there is any. I’ve searched a number of times. Even in Pitonyak’s book it states you should look through them for routines you won’t then have to re-write.

@Ratslinger, Thanks.

I found this related answer which makes some brief references to this stuff.

I also added an answer there to help you get started investigating. It seems that some of this code is linked to the dialogs.