Why are you dragging your feet on Bug 46733?



Why are you dragging your feet on fixing this? 46733 was reported on 2012-02-28. This bug is an ABSOLUTE PAIN IN THE ASS !!! If you let it go any longer, you guys might as well change your names to Open Office or WineHQ. They NEVER fix(ed) their bugs either.

Fix this NOW. Please stop dragging your feet! FOUR YEARS IS LONG ENOUGH!

Many thanks,

Maybe you should write a little louder?
BTW: The behaviour the OQ is complaining about is older. It is inherited from OpenOffice.org and is also still present in AOO V4.1.2. Text-tables containing merged and/or split cells are complicated structures. Commands can be interpreted differently therefore. I doubt if there is any “fix” for the so called bug that not would lead to a behaviour also called a bug by other users. Avoid complications and use Ctrl+Z if needed.

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The actual bug in this context is that there is no command to revoke merging. Unmerge - delete/insert as needed - merge again as needed (if unavoidable). This sequence should allow the user to be explicit about what he wants.