Calc: SUM() function getting wrong results


I have a spreadsheet document that is quite important, with numbers and sums. The number in each cell is entered as a manual sum of other numbers (=11+22+33, for instance), and the sums are bold numbers that should regroup some of the original numbers with the SUM() function.

**Here’s the number in J24 :

Here’s the sum, obviously wrong, of C13:C24 : **

The other bold number, wrong too, is meant to be a sum of C4:C12.

What do you think is wrong? How can that happen?

Thank you a lot for your help,
~ Nicolas

(edit: activated screenshots)

1876 is the correct result to the formula =756+210+910?
The result in J24 is the result obtained for C24 first?
Default alignment is left for text and right for numbers.
Thus the suspicion by @anon87010807 that the other results in the range C12:C24 might be of type text.
Formulae can well produce results looking like numbers but actually being texts. In addition ‘Numbers’ formats can lie about the true value… Nobody can find out the truth about this by looking at a screenshot.

The most likely explanation is that Calc doesn’t recognize all of the numbers as numbers but as strings. Select Tools - Options - Calc - View, then tick Value highlighting. Numbers will then be displayed in blue, text in black, formulas as green. Format any wrong cells as Number, and remove any apostrophes at the start of numbers to convert them to real numbers instead of text.

See Value Highlighting - LibreOffice Help

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Hi, thanks for your answer. When I turn the highlighting, they all turn green! And they stay the same color once I format them as numbers. No blue, no black.

Can you upload a sample file instead of a screenshot?