Problem with formula editor

While working with Calc, if I try to construct a formula with the formula editor (Insert > Object > Formula), a problem shows that limits its usefulness. See the url below to get the idea.

Is there a solution for this? Thanks for your help.

I don’t see what your problem is. Please clarify.

If you see the picture (url included), the menu area to select other equation formats is washed out. Also a long white strip shows on calc cells. The picture includes an arrow indicating the area I’m referring about.

Okay, I thought you had done that deliberately, to anonymize something. If that pops up on its own, something is wrong with your installation or user profile. Please add the version of Libre and your operating system. It may be relevant information for your question.

See url below for the version of my suite. This problem occurs both in my desktop and my laptop. Desktop runs Ubuntu 16.04 and laptop runs Elementary OS Freya

Thanks for the help.

What makes you think those graphical artifacts were intentionally added there ? Also that “formula editor” is for making formulas for humans to read, it’s part of LO Math’s features, completely distinct from Calc’s in-cell formulas.

If it is a menu item in Calc, it should work the same as the standalone program…

Does Math work correctly when you insert a formula in Writer?

Yes. In Writer it works ok. You can see the drop box area to select different operators, etc. The problem occurs in Calc, where the drop box is garbled. It also have problems when I try to use it in Impress. Other types of problems. If you want to see them I can send you pictures…

Weird, it works just fine for me on Windows 10 and LO Maybe you should reset your user profile.

I’ve seen this problem every now and then on Writer with the sidebar: when a Math object is opened the sidebar disappears but some phantom buttons remains. I just minimize the sidebar before opening Math. It seems the problem is solved on 5.3: Bug 96451 - UI isn’t properly refreshed when inserting formula

Yes. The Windows version that I have (version seems to be working without problems. I didn’t do a thorough test, though. But again, the Linux versions seem to have a problem on all LO programs. The way I’m working this thing out is by opening the standalone math program and copy/paste the equations created to the other LO programs.

Bug 96451 completely describe my problem. Since I receive the updates via the ubuntu update system, it’s gone to take a long time before I receive this solution. Does a patch exist (that we could install) as a temporary solution until I get the newest version?

I see it in various Linux versions, but ONLY when the Formula Bar is enabled. I have a v5.3 I built as of 12/29 and the problem still is visible but in todays’ daily v5.4 the problem is gone.

Verified the behavior you describe in my version. Will use it as another workaround to the problem. Thanks.

Verified the behavior you describe in my version. Will use it as another workaround to the problem. Thanks.