Page numbers in links

I am producing a a document for printing. It uses numerous links within the document, e.g. mention of a person by name links to a later page where there is a mini-biography of the person. Obviously, that won’t work in a printed volume. I am replacing the links with a reference to the page number. e.g. “Benjamin Smith (Page 376)” I can place a bookmark on the bio on page 376, but I cannot figure out a way to have the page number automatically update if repagination moves the target. I would prefer the reference inline, but a footnote would be acceptable. Obviously I can make a link to the target, but I don’t want a link. I want to display the physical page number of the target. Any ideas??

Use a cross-reference (Insert - Cross-reference), you can then select from Bookmarks or Headings and select what will be displayed, like the page number.

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Cool. That did it. Thanks.