How to populate date/year in columns?

I have a sheet that just has a column with each day of the year and a column next to it for comments next to each day. Currently I set the dates manually. Is there a way to auto-populate a column with dates?

See Autofill in the offline help.

  1. On a sheet, click in a cell, and type a number.
  2. Click in another cell and then click back in the cell where you typed the number.
  3. Drag the fill handle in the bottom right corner of the cell across the cells that you want to fill, and release the mouse button.
    The cells are filled with ascending numbers.

Thanks! I’m a software developer. More often than not, I use very basic tools and editors for most of my everyday tasks. This puts me at a disadvantage when it comes to using standard office suite software since I so rarely need to. Little things like this seem obvious to me after I’ve learned about them but not until then! Thanks for your help with this answer. It worked for me. :slight_smile:

Whoa! That’s great, I knew of doing that for numeric values but didn’t think it might work on dates. THANKS!

Note that dates are actually stored as numeric values; and displayed according to either a default format or the format you define.