Alignment in the header

Hallo Everyone,

I have a header with two images of uneual lengths, one left aligned and one right aligned.
In between i have some text which is centered.

The text centers itself to the bound of the page and not between the images. Hence the text appears closer to one of the image than the other.

When I try doing this in the page, the text centers itself between the images nicely.

The images are set to parallel alignment. Also the header doesnt take into account the size of the image to calculate the dynamic height of the header region unless the anchoring is chenged to

Is this a bug? Or am i doing something wrong?

Move the centered tab position to the middle of the area between the images. If the text width is 19 cm, and left image is 1 cm wide and the right one 3 cm, you have 15 cm left for the text in between. Set the centered tab at position 8.5 cm and you should be set.

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If the header does not take the height of the image into account, it is likely they are not anchored properly. Check they are inserted “As character”: select the image, right-click and see what is in Anchor. Eventually, change for “As character” and retune other alignment settings.