Help with LibreOffice Calc Equation

I want to put this equation into LibreCalc:

= total spend ÷ total sales x 100

I created the formula of =SUM(A16/D16)*100

But I get insteqd of the 79.57 that I’m expecting. What am I doing wrong in the formula I created?

Possibly you used Percent as cell format? If so, then you didn’t need that 100.

Btw, the proper name is LibreOffice Calc.

Thanks, noted.

there’s nothing to SUM … avoid this useless stuff


Thanks. I was over thinking it.

for me =A16/D16*100, =(A16/D16)*100 and =SUM(A16/D16)*100 all produce the same result, thus i doubt the ‘SUM’ was the error here, more likely cell formatting or ‘late apply of format change’ (not evaluated until first edit or ‘touch’ of value) stepped in …