HTML Table Header Loses Borders

Have a number of HTML documents created with LibreOffice which include tables where the header has borders configured. Each time I edit this kind of document, I have to re-configure the borders for the headers. I assume this is some sort of bug, but wasn’t sure.

LibreOffice seems to be a somewhat better HTML editor that OpenOffice, but it still isn’t very good. It’s better to use a dedicated editor for your purposes.

Try for a good HTML Editor

Thanks very much for the advice. Do you have a preferred HTML editor that will work nicely with LibreOffice created HTML files? I don’t need to scripting or any programming, just formatting.

I haven’t done any serious HTML editing for a long time, but Kompozer is recommended by some of the regulars of the OpenOffice community forum.

FWIW, Kompozer is unmaintained now since 2005. Also in LO 6.1 this HTML bug of loosing borders still exists.