Bring Entire Row To Another Sheet If D1 Meets Criteria


Question: How do I display cells A1, B1, C1, D1 on a different sheet if E1 says AMEX?

I want all rows that have AMEX in column E to display in this list on another sheet and everything that is not AMEX, say Best Buy to be excluded from this list.


You may put this formula to A1 of second sheet’s A1:


and then drag the formula to A1:D[N].

That works but I want to make sure no blank rows exist. so if row 1, 2, 4 are AMEX and row 3 is best buy I want to not display this row.


If you want a selection with result on other sheet, then the easy way it’s using a pivot table, also can be done with an advanced filter a bit more complicated to understand an use but regular expressions are available for selection.


For the pivot table how do you create the cell to no AMEX?