Unable to save spreadsheet

Tried to email it, tried copy to new document. It let me create the spreadsheet just fine but will not let me save it. Help! Error saving the document General error General input/output error

General I/O error sounds like an issue with the disk you are saving to. It also may happen when you try to save to a network drive and the connection has been lost. Most likely, this will affect other applications in the same way. Try saving to a different location.

If that works, find out what it wrong with the location you originally tried to save to. Without knowing what kind of drive you are trying to save to (local hard disk? network drive?), it is hard to tell what might be causing the error.

I am also having this problem, but not consistently. I will copy the content of the spreadsheet that is unable to save into a new spreadsheet, and the new spreadsheet will save as whatever I want. I can make changes and save them without a problem. But then, after a few minutes of work, the next time I try to save I get the general input/output error.

I’ve tried saving to different locations on my local drive, to no avail.