Calc - How to get cell coordinates as Sheet.A1

Dear all,
I need a way to get a selected cell coordinates in this form:
=function(Sheet.A1) should provide Sheet.A1

Is there any way to achieve this? From what I can understand =address would not return what I need.


so far … your question makes no sense, because =Sheet.A1 provides already the content of Sheet.A1

I don’t want it to return the content of Sheet.A1 but I need it to return “Sheet.A1” instead. I need this to list different values and the cell where those values occur in 2 columns, such as

Sheet.A1 =Sheet.A1

Sheet.A2 =Sheet.A2

So, may be you mean something like this? =SUBSTITUTE(RIGHT(CELL("FILENAME");LEN(CELL("FILENAME"))-FIND("#$";CELL("FILENAME"))-1)&"."&CELL("ADDRESS";A1);"$";"") Just replace A1 to real reference

Thanks! Works fine however it only works correctly if the cell where you fill the formula in is in the same sheet as cell A1, otherwise I get sheet2.sheet3.A1. Is there any way to fix it? (I’m not quite sure I understand how it works exactly)

Got it!
=CELL(“ADDRESS”;Sheet2.A1) does exactly what I need! Thanks for your insight!

This will not return the sheetname but only the celladdress if the referenced cell is in the current sheet. =CELL("ADDRSSS";Sheet1.A1) will only return $A$1 if called from Sheet1.

True, but in my case that will be just fine as I’m referencing this from a different sheet.