Multiple page document

I have a double sided flyer that I want to send out to others. I have two letter size portrait .jpeg’s and the two original letter size gimp .xcf’s. I want these images to fill the entire letter size Libre format that’s offered. So I’ve eliminated the Libre margins and dragged the corner boxes to full size. But I can’t get a second page to appear in the same file. Do I have to make two separate documents? Surely I’ve seen multiple page pdf’s and such. Of note to my frustration when I query on line I get numerous “Word” responses but in Libre I’m in the twilight zone. A two page document seems so elementary. How do I procede?

You normally add pages by typing on until you get to the bottom of a page and when you go past that, Writer automatically adds a page. When you insert a picture, that doesn’t work. You have to press Ctrl+Enter to force a page break, and it’s probably better to get as many pages as you need before inserting the pictures.

When you insert a picture, that doesn’t work

… until you also make the picture be anchored As Character :slight_smile: