Suddenly all my saved documents are opening in LibreOffice Draw. Why

Suddenly all my saved documents are opening in LibreOffice Draw. Why. How do I stop this.

Would you mind to tell us what you see when the file is opened finally? If you see a drawing it will be a drawing.

No I see the document I saved which is a letter. It is in a frame. At the top left-hand corner is the name of the document followed by LibreOffice Draw. When I download the document from the file a green line flashes along the bottom of the screen and the document appears as described

Supppose the letter once was provided in .pdf and was opened with LibO. This will convert it into a drawing containing a TextBox for each paragraph. When saved now and reopenedlater it will still be a drawing even if the extension was changed to .odt or to another extension associated with LibO.

Check for this. I cannot think of another explanation

Very similar effect concerning the view if a .pdf extension first was simply changed to .odt. in the file manager. As long as the file is not saved again, however, it will remain a .pdf.

This document was written initially in LibreOffice Writer. It was then converter into a pdf document so that I could send it by email as the recipient could not open a LibreOffice document. Now when I download the document from the file it comes down in draw mode. How do I return it to writer mode.

No way. If you export (It’s not a conversion!) to pdf for raesons as you told us, you simply should also keep the .odt file. LibreOffice is not a pdf-reader and even less a pdf-editor. To open pdf files for editing and/or converting to text processor formats you will need a full-featured pdf editor.
I personally did never try this way to Zamzar, sometimes recommended in forums. Be aware of probable privacy issues.

Perhaps your system has somehow confused the settings for default applications to open LibreOffice files. The solution will be different depending on your operating system, which you haven’t mentioned.

The files of @PSP obviously were associated with LibO.
LibO then should open any file with the appropriate software component (Writer, Calc, …) depending on its internal description, not based on the file extension. If a file named Something.odt is opened with Draw it should be supposed to be a drawing.