If whet randbetween

why dose

  IF((B4/2)*$N$52>=RANDBETWEEN(1,100),"!!! JA !!!",
  IF((B8)*$N$51>=RANDBETWEEN(1,100),"!!! JA !!!","NEJ")))

not work it returns #VALUE!
i used same spreadsheet in google spreadsheet and it worked there

Dear sad_dog, are you sure that to say JA (rarely) and NEJ (frequently) when filling two cells you need so complicated formula?

it’s part of a much bigger spreadsheet whet conditions when to even display the certain values

N51 and N52 can only be 1 or 0, so thy act as a switch not a value

Ok, so I played around with the formula.
The reason why the formula might return a #VALUE error is if one of your cells (B4, B8, N52 or N51) contains a non-number value.
For instance - if one of those four cells contain letter (A-Z) or if one of the cells contains exclamation marks, quotation marks etc - then the formula will return an error.
Make sure that B4, B8, N52 or N51 only contain numbers.

ok found it. Seem’s like it can’t handle “” as in empty. google spreadsheet just ser “” as no value rater then a text

this fixed it =IF(AND(B4="",B8="")=1,"",IF((IF(ISTEXT(B4),0,B4)/2)$N$52>=RANDBETWEEN(1,100),"!!! YES !!!",IF(IF(ISTEXT(B8),0,B8)$N$51>=RANDBETWEEN(1,100),"!!! YES !!!",“No”)))