I/O error libre office writer with important document

Dear enthusiasts,

I created a university paper including quotes with Libre-Office writer on Windows 7 saved it as .rtf and uploaded it to my mailaccount as backup. Since then the document is broken with input/output error being displayed on the attempt to open. I tried serveral restauration programs so far no one was able to restore the quotations, which proves to be very time consuming to recreate manually.

For fast and good solutions I would be very grateful!


Please sign up at http://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/ where you can share your file in a more confidential manner than here.

You should NEVER use .rtf files to save work - you should ALWAYS use .odt files. .rtf files are very simple and very poor.

Save a copy of the .rtf file as a .odt file and open it with Writer.

Take a copy of the .rtf file and open it with Notepad or other simple editor. Locate the stuff you need and paste it into the .odt file.