Win x86 DL is .man file, can't open, how to get .msi DL

see title, otherwise tried to download for windows and it’s a (again see title) .man file. My understanding of PC’s is limited to Google+common sense but I think (according to the windows installation instructions on this site) that it’s supposed to be a .msi file - the .man files are for Unix people. Could be totally wrong in which case someone pls tell me what’s up. Thx much. Also tried to download the other windows files, all multiple times to eliminate mis-clicks or whatnot. thx

What does “DL” stand for? Down Load?

@EaseTrieve: Yep.

Found answer by (guess what) browsing this forum. Sorry and Thx :slight_smile: P.S. bug happens in Microsucks EDGE as well as Explorer - probably the same thing tho. RESOLVED

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This problem –o-n-l-y– happens in IE and Edge.