How to check if a date falls between 2 other dates

I have a column in a Calc file that holds a number for a day of the month (ex. 5 for the 5th of every month). I then have a start date field (B7) and end date field (B8). The start date often is in the prior month of the end date (ex. Start date March 28 2012 and End date is April 4 2012).

I’m trying to figure out a way to determine if if the day of the month value falls between the day values of the start and end date fields. I can do it if the months are the same but haven’t figured out if how if the start date is one month and the end date is another. For example

Value in day of month field is 2
Start Date is March 28 2012
End Date is April 4 2012

How do I determine if 2 is between the 28th of one month and the 4th of the next. The answer in the above example is yes, the 2nd is between the 38th and 4th of any successive months.

Maybe what you are looking for is a formula like:

=AND( verified_date>=first_date ; (EOMONTH(first_date;0)+4)>=verified_date)

result is 1 (TRUE) when both conditions are true, otherwise result is 0 (FALSE).

(EOMONTH(first_date;0)+4) give the 4th of next month.