Wrapping around PNG only works when passed through Microsoft Word

Prepare the V

  1. Open V.png in Draw (https://cloud.prosa.dk/index.php/s/XqNJ9Hw9sUyAdat)
  2. Turn the V 60 degrees.

Make a Microsoft Word document with the V

  1. Copy it into a Microsoft Word
    document with text

  2. Change wrap-round
    to ’Close’. The text now wraps nicely
    even inside the V.

  3. Save the file.

Open in Writer

  1. Open the file in Writer.
    The wrapping looks similar to Microsoft Word – but some formatting is lost: The page does not look exactly the same as in Microsoft Word.

Recreate in Writer

  1. Create a new document with text in Writer.
  2. Copy the turned V into the document.
    The text does not wrap nicely around the V

How can I make the text wrap nicely around the V without having to load it into Microsoft Word first?

Please attach the file here. I don’t like to follow cryptic links. I guess, that you are looking for the wrap property “Contour”.