LibreOffice has corrupt CAB file

LibreOffice failed to install due to corrupt CAB file. Had to re-install 5.2.6

Where did you get your installer (msi) from?
My LibreOffice_5.3.2.2_Win_x64.msi downloaded from a tdf site installed flawlessly even on Win 10.

Downloaded from

(Converted to an answer.)

I fc-compared (binary: /B)

  1. the I actually installed from
  2. the 5.3.2_Win_x64.msi currently provided by tdf (no longer treated as an RC but expected to be bitwise identical to the second RC)
    with the 5.3.2_Win_x64.msi I just downloaded from the Australian mirror you linked to.
    There were no differences found.
    As I am neither a system nor a security specialist I cannot advise further on this issue.

At least on Ubuntu, the LO PPA’s use the final RC release as the official non-RC release since they’re always identical.

Yes. It’s the same with the msi packages for Win. They only are renamed omitting the RC digit if no further RC is needed. I thought I expressed that (as a rule) by my remark “…no longer treated as RC but…”.

Right, but the PPA uses the naming the last RC had, which immediately made sense to me: no point in bothering with renaming when nothing’s changed.

The MSI got corrupted at some point, possibly when you downloaded it, as now when I tried your link it worked perfectly (I needed to update anyway) although DL speed was low. You need to try other mirrors officially linked at if one doesn’t work.

Same problem even with the above download.
Still getting 1500 error code.
Windows 10

I don’t have your problem on Win10.
I had others, and I expect them to reoccur no later than the next Win-“update” is forced on me. It seems to me that Win10 has a poweful self-corruption feature.
It’s a pity that I cannot simply throw away every junk adhering to my computer. It might be a full-time job for quite a while to get rid of it - and I depend on some special software only …
Is it bribery? Is it a kind of cartel plot? Incompetence on my behalf? On someone else’s?

@Lupp You’re definitely not the one to be blamed. Win10 was made with total surveillance in mind, and M$ never had the intention to make a good, working system, it’s just to give ‘fuck you’ to the users every so often while getting more money. Some ppl I helped to set up their Win10 system say they’ve had no problems with updates, while a big part of the userland gets problems from destruction. If the system worked 1h ago, or yesterday, it’s very possible another broken update is forced.

Addendum: in comparison, Win8.x is awesome system compared to Win10. An abomination the European Union has little trouble with, unlike with 8.0.