In macro, frame automatic height not working? (solved)

I insert a frame, and want its height to remain fixed, but the property .FrameIsAutomaticHeight=false appears to be ignored. Am I doing something wrong? I have tried setting the height with .Height= and with .FrameHeightAbsolute=. Once inserted, MRI indicates that the property is true, and frame properties from the menu indicates that AutoSize is on. Here is my code:

  oFr1 = oDoc.createInstance("")
  oB = oFr1.TopBorder
  oB.LineWidth = 0 : oB.OuterLineWidth = 0
  With oFr1
    .Name = "Frame1p" & nPages
    .VertOrientPosition = 12350 : .HoriOrientPosition = 6940
    '.Width = 400 : .Height = 400
    .FrameHeightAbsolute = 400 : .FrameWidthAbsolute = 400
    .FrameIsAutomaticHeight = FALSE
    .VertOrient = 0 : .VertOrientRelation = 7 'to page
    .HoriOrient = 0 : .HoriOrientRelation = 7
    .AnchorPageNo = nPages : .AnchorType = 0 'to paragraph
    .BorderDistance = 0 : .Surround = 2 'parallel
    .TopMargin=0 : .RightMargin=100 : .BottomMargin=0 : .LeftMargin=100
    .TopBorder = oB : .RightBorder = oB : .BottomBorder = oB : .LeftBorder = oB
  End With
  oDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oTCurs, oFr1, False)

hello Pansmanser, maybe try .SizeProtected = True
the width and height are specified in 1/100th mm

.SizeType = 1 You don’t need some settings such as height/width absolute.

Thanks, Ratslinger. You cracked it as usual.