What are these?

How do I get rid of little black diamonds with question mark inside? They pepper my documents when I open a file.

Which LO component are you using, e.g. Writer, Calc, etc.?

See this

Somehow you have opened or pasted in something that is not text. Delete the stuff and start over.

I see in the link you provided the very nasty little things that I have tried to describe. Thank you. This answers my question.

If you mean � this is the Unicode Replacement Character U+FFFD. It is used ‘to represent an incoming character whose value is unknown or unrepresentable in in UNICODE’ i.e not one of the 120,000 or so known characters. This often found when cutting / pasting from a windows based program that does not use Unicode nor its subsets ISO-8859-1 nor US-ASCII, for example Windows-1252.

This � is not created in the LibO system which uses Unicode. You may also find characters that look like  but with a hex code inside which is a replacement for a valid Unicode character which the font in use does not have a glyph for. For example a Russian character which the font in use does not support.

� Yes these are the ones. So it comes down to the copying and pasting by the looks if things.
Thank you.