Combo box auto-update when a new entry is typed in?

Can anyone share with me a base macro that does this:

In this base Table Control, if rather than select blue or green, you type “red” for a car color into the combo box (i.e. a brand new item in the list), then

  1. update the cars table with red (the form already does this), and then via an event:
  2. append “red” to the colors table, and
  3. update the combo box to now display all three options: blue, green and red, for future record edits.

In other words, when a new, previously unknown, item is entered into a combo box in a base Table Control, auto-update the combo box’s underlying table, and update the combo box with the new value.

I previously had this working in many of my Access forms but having to start over w/ base. Also I put a confirmation prompt on the screen before doing the insert to help keep errors out of the underlying table.

This is a very handy tool for data entry to update the underlying lookup table.

[7 May update: Fixes lost focus that MsgBox creates. Also improves and fixes error messages.]

This is currently designed to work w/ a MariaDB connected database (a MySQL binary replacement) so will need to be modified a bit to work with HSQLDB which uses different SQL quoting.

For the combo box data it assumes you’re using SQL ‘Type of list contents…’ (not Table, Query, etc). It grabs the information it needs from various places including the underlying SQL to make it easier to hookup to multiple columns with just one Sub.

You might need some coding experience to get this to work for you. I’ve left in some code commented out to help remind me of related things that aren’t needed in this code.

Option Explicit	'BASIC	###### ComboBox lookup auto-update ######

Private Sub BeforeUpdatingComboBox(oEvent As Object) As Boolean		'Fires when cr is hit: when something is selected or entered
    On Error GoTo Error_Handler
	'--- Constants
	Dim   sbCR As String : sbCR = chr(10)
	'buttons displayed
	Const sbOkOnly		=  0
	Const sbYesNo		=  4
	'icons displayed
	Const sbQuestion	= 32
	Const sbExclamation	= 48
	'answers returned
	Const sbYes			=  6
	Const sbNo			=  7

	'---Get context	
	Dim oComboBox	As Object	: oComboBox = oEvent.Source

	'Check that setup is correct
	if oComboBox.ListSourceType <> Then MsgBox(_
		"This version of the 'BeforeUpdatingComboBox' event handler requires that combo box 'Type of list contents...' be set to SQL (rather than Table, Query, etc.).",_
		"Fatal configuration error - Missing SQL text"): stop

	'See if what was selected is in the underlying data
	Dim sInput		As String	: sInput 	= oComboBox.getCurrentValue		'String that was entered before CR
'	Dim sInput		As String	: sInput 	= oComboBox.Text				'String that was entered before CR

	'If input is not null, then look to see if it's in the table aready, and if not add it
	If sInput<>"" Then

		Dim sName		As String	: sName		= oComboBox.DataField		'My field's Name (not combo box name)
'		Dim sName		As String	: sName		= oComboBox.BoundField.Name	'My field's Name (not combo box name)	(same as above)
''		Dim iItems		As Integer	: iItems	= oComboBox.ItemCount		'# of items in combo box lookup			(not used)
''		Dim sItems()	As String	: sItems	= oComboBox.StringItemList	'array of all combo box items			(not used)

		Dim sSQL		As String	: sSQL		= oComboBox.ListSource		'SELECT `To` FROM `accounting`.`tos` AS `tos` ORDER BY `To` ASC	

		'Take SQL apart into phrases.  Add WHERE for ID=
		Const cOB=" ORDER BY ":Dim sOrderBy As String	:sOrderBy= sRightParam(sSQL, cOB, iStart(sSQL, cOB)) :sSQL	= sRemainder(sSQL ,iStart(sSQL , cOB))	'get & remove any ORDER BY phrase
		Const cWH=" WHERE "	  :Dim sWhere	As String	:sWhere  = sRightParam(sSQL, cWH, iStart(sSQL, cWH)) :sSQL	= sRemainder(sSQL ,iStart(sSQL , cWH))	'get & remove any WHERE    phrase
		Const cFR=" FROM "	  :Dim sFROM	As String	:sFROM	 = sRightParam(sSQL, cFR, iStart(sSQL, cFR)) 												'get 			  FROM	   phrase
		Const cAS=" As "	  :							 													  sFrom	= sRemainder(sFrom,iStart(sFROM, cAS))	'	   remove any As	   phrase

		'sSQL = SELECT ... FROM ...
		sSQL = sSQL & cWH & "("		& iif(sWhere<>"", sWhere & ") AND ( " ,"") 	& "`" & sName & "` = ?);"	'add new WHERE criteria (prepared statement)
		'--- Now execute this SQL to find if the selected item already existed in the table.  
		'First get a connection object.
		DIM oDatasource AS OBJECT	:oDatasource = thisComponent.Parent.dataSource
		DIM oConnection AS OBJECT	:oConnection = oDatasource.getConnection("","")

		Dim oSQL		As Object :oSQL		= oConnection.prepareStatement(sSQL)	'Create SQL prepared statement; the thing that will carry out the SQL-command

'		On Error GoTo Next
'		oSQL.ResultSetType = 	'For HSQLDB 1.8 (not for MySQL)
'		On Error GoTo 0		'?? restore this to: On Error GoTo Error_Handler
		Dim oResults	As Object :oSQL.setString(1,sInput): oResults = oSQL.executeQuery()	'Execute SQL statement with parameter & get results

		'If not found then possibly add it
		If not oResults.First() Then

			'ask what to do
		    Dim iAnswer As Integer	: iAnswer = MsgBox(_
				"""" & sInput & """ is not a previously used " & sName & ". " & sbCR & "Do you want to add it now?", _
				sbYesNo + sbQuestion, _
		    	"Unknown entry" )

			Select Case iAnswer
				Case sbYes
					sSQL =  "INSERT INTO " & sFrom & " (`" & sName & "`) Select ?;"
					oSQL = oConnection.prepareStatement(sSQL)	'Create SQL prepared statement; the thing that will carry out the SQL-command
					oSQL.setString(1,sInput): oResults = oSQL.executeQuery()					'Execute SQL statement with parameter & get results
					oComboBox.Refresh															'Reload (sort) lookup list

					BeforeUpdatingComboBox = true												'advance cursor to next field
'					Dim oTable			As Object	: oTable 		= oComboBox.Parent
'					Dim oControlView	As Object	: oControlView	= ThisComponent.CurrentController.GetControl(oTable)       
'																	oControlView.SetFocus		'restore the focus after the MsgBox lost it
					ThisComponent.CurrentController.GetControl(oComboBox.Parent).SetFocus		'restore the focus after the MsgBox lost it
'					oControlView.setCurrentColumnPosition(oControlView.CurrentColumnPosition)	'restore the column# (don't need this)

				Case sbNo
'					MsgBox "Please select an item from the list.", sbExclamation + sbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry"
					BeforeUpdatingComboBox = false												'don't advance cursor to next field
			End Select

		End If
	End If
    Exit Sub

	'Error	'Error message 		  of the last error.
	'Erl	'Integer line  number of the last error.
	'Err	'Integer error number of the last error.
	'CVErr 	'Convert an expression to an error object.

    MsgBox "Line " & Erl & ": " & Error & "  (error " & Err & ")"
    Resume Exit_Procedure

End Sub

'- Find position of start of this phrase
Sub iStart 		(sStr As String, sDelim As string						) As Integer
	iStart = InStr(sStr, sDelim)-1	:If iStart<0	Then: iStart=0 :End If
End Sub

'- Return the right most phrase (but not the delimiter)
Sub sRightParam (sStr As String, sDelim As string,	iStart As Integer	) As String
	sRightParam	= ""	: If iStart Then sRightParam =Right(sStr, Len(sStr)-iStart-Len(sDelim)) 
End Sub

'- Return what's to the left of the phrase delimiter
Sub sRemainder 	(sStr As String, 					iStart As Integer	) As String
	sRemainder = sStr	: If iStart Then sRemainder=Left(sStr,iStart)
End Sub

Private Sub To_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
    NotInList "Tos", "To", NewData, Response
End Sub
Private Sub With_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
    NotInList "Withs", "With", NewData, Response
End Sub
Private Sub For_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
    NotInList "Fors", "For", NewData, Response
End Sub

Private Sub NotInList(TableName As String, FieldName As String, NewData As String, Response As Integer)
    On Error GoTo Error_Handler
    Dim intAnswer As Integer
    intAnswer = MsgBox("""" & NewData & """ is not a previously used " & FieldName & " party. " & vbCrLf & "Do you want to add it now?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Invalid Category")
    Select Case intAnswer
        Case vbYes
            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
            DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [" & TableName & "] ([" & FieldName & "]) Select """ & NewData & """;"
            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
            Response = acDataErrAdded

        Case vbNo
            MsgBox "Please select an item from the list.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry"
            Response = acDataErrContinue
    End Select

    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
    Resume Exit_Procedure
End Sub