Is the a changelog available for Libreoffice versions?


First of all thank You for creating and polishing such a fine product!

As a sysadmin I deal with updating software running on customers PC’s and I need detailed information what has been changed between versions.

  1. I am aware that there exists a ReleaseNotes wiki page (for example LibreOffice 5.2: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki) but that does not show detailed changes between 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 for example.

  2. I am aware that there exists a wiki page for release candidates (for example Releases/5.2.6/RC2 - The Document Foundation Wiki) but that does not show changes approved for the final release.

So is there a site where one can see the detailed changelog what has been changed between released versions?
For instance like in Redmine ( ?

Release Plan wiki page shows detailed schedule (where each RC fixed bugs are available) and release notes links for each main version. All changes in all RCs go to “final release” (actually, last RC is the final version).

But these aren’t change logs. They are either selected (highlighted) features of new releases (for release notes of major release), or Bugzilla issues addressed. There are a great number of changes that don’t go to one of these categories. Git log is the real change log.