How can I call a python script from a Basic macro?

If you have a document with some macros, one basic and one python (if this is even possible), can anyone provide an example of how to call something like a python HelloWorld script from a basic SUB or FUNCTION?

Hello @EasyTrieve, this works for me:

Sub Call_HelloWorld
	Dim oScriptProvider, oScript
	oScriptProvider = ThisComponent.getScriptProvider()
	oScript = oScriptProvider.getScript("$HelloWorldPython?language=Python&location=share")
	oScript.invoke(array(), array(), array())
End Sub

@librebel Thanks for share. The wiki doesn’t list that and I’ve been using user and document. Don’t think I really need it, but good to know. So far in early going don’t see much need to call from basic.

yw @Ratslinger, i also noticed it for the first time when setting the python macro in a buttton Execute action event, and it was displayed as “$HelloWorldPython (share, Python)”